Famous Montessori Graduates
The Montessori education system sparks creativity, initiative, and self-confidence. Look at some of the famous people who have studied under the Montessori System.
Though their parents were professors, it was the Montessori education system that was the cause of their starting Google. Right from a young age, they were independent, could think for themselves, and were self-confident.
Though their parents were professors, it was the Montessori education system that was the cause of their starting Google. Right from a young age, they were independent, could think for themselves, and were self-confident.
She brought French cookery to the US as the country’s first female TV host. She was a top-secret researcher for the CIA during World War II. She was successful, resilient, and practical, all thanks to her Montessori education.
She brought French cookery to the US as the country’s first female TV host. She was a top-secret researcher for the CIA during World War II. She was successful, resilient, and practical, all thanks to her Montessori education.
Wikipedia has made redundant something we took for granted – the Encyclopedia. Jimmy’s single-handed focus to make Wikipedia a success can be credited to the Montessori education system.
Wikipedia has made redundant something we took for granted – the Encyclopedia. Jimmy’s single-handed focus to make Wikipedia a success can be credited to the Montessori education system.
As wife of President Kennedy, she had to deal with leaders from across the world. Jacqueline credits her success and extraordinary charm to her early days in Montessori School.
As wife of President Kennedy, she had to deal with leaders from across the world. Jacqueline credits her success and extraordinary charm to her early days in Montessori School.
We have all played Sim City, but do you know who created it? Will Wright directly credits some of the game’s nuances to what he learned under the Montessori Education System.
We have all played Sim City, but do you know who created it? Will Wright directly credits some of the game’s nuances to what he learned under the Montessori Education System.