Montessori Materials That Self-Teach
Child-Centric Design, And The
Loving Guidance Of Expert Teachers
Montessori Materials
That Self-Teach
Child-Centric Design, And The Loving Guidance Expert Teachers
Children experience Sensory Learning, Applied Practical Life Skills, And More...
Montessori Design is
Intentional And Inviting
For Children
Child-sized furniture and accessible materials create an atmosphere that communicates to a child that they belong. Low shelves lined with books and other carefully chosen materials invites independent exploration.
A Mixing of Ages
Encourages Inclusion and
Peer to Peer Learning
Mixing older and younger students creates a family of learners who support and care for each other. Older children have the opportunity to serve as mentors and take leadership roles, generating confidence, while younger learners feel cared for and included.
Activities That are
Self Correcting
Build Self-Esteem
Materials are intrinsic teachers, and thanks to careful design, no verbal instruction, or even modeling, is required. Montessori materials self-teach and encourage independent learning.
Mastering Practical Life Skills
They’ll Apply for a Lifetime
To foster independence and respect for the environment and others, they’ll be expected to dust, clean up after themselves, tie shoes, fasten buttons, greet others appropriately, say please, excuse me and thank you, and learn how to ask for help.
Your Child’s Senses
are Engaged in
Unraveling Their World
The Sensorial Curriculum helps children focus on physical attributes while exploring variations in materials like height, width, aroma, taste, weight, texture, temperature, shades of colour, and sound. This self-led discovery introduces them to abstraction and pre-math sorting skills.
Math Materials That
Help Children Naturally
Grasp New Concepts
Learning math operations begins with hands-on manipulations of materials like rods, beads, spindles, cubes, cards, and counters. Invite your child to visualize the whole structure and to add, multiply, subtract eventually, and divide.
Responsive Teachers
and Storytime Set the
Foundation for Pre-Literacy
Using accurate vocabulary, conversations with peers and adults are a natural part of classroom life. Time is devoted every day to the reading of books, poetry, and singing to introduce new sounds and contexts.
Second Language
Acquisition Are A Part
Of The Curriculum
Weekly French lessons that incorporate puppets, music, and games expose children to new sounds and lexicon. At the same time, listening skills are developed through music, silence games, and tone matching activities, paving the way to deeper language comprehension.
Hands-On Observation of
Plants and Animals Support
The Montessori Method
In Life Science, children use models, specimens, pictures, classroom pets, and plants to begin to identify, match, and classify. Further investigation reveals the life cycles of plants and what role each of them plays in supporting healthy habits and respect for the environment.
Learning About The World
and its Diversity to
Expand Horizons
Geography includes an introduction to the land, air and water, the continents, and an introduction to the globe’s different climates. To put their knowledge in action, they’ll make maps and flags, dress in costumes, and dance to music from near and far to garner an appreciation of culture.
Play is Paramount in
Maintaining Physical
and Mental Health
We’re committed to helping children develop their fine and gross motor movement. As such,
weather permitting, children enjoy a minimum of two hours outside daily to take advantage of water play, riding tricycles, and kicking up in the sandpit so they can strengthen growing muscles and enjoy the outdoors.
Hands-on Art and Word
Working Coaxes Creativity
and Fine Motor Skills
Drawing, painting, crayon work, collage, working with clay, cutting, pasting, designing, modeling, and many other activities help children explore their imaginations and express themselves. Handling the materials and tools also strengthen fine motor skills and self-control.
A Music and Movement
Directress Introduces the
Children to Sound and Dance
We house a wide range of instruments and world music to enhance the children’s appreciation of sound and the directress visits every week to guide the children through listening, singing, dancing, and making their music, nurturing the mind-body connection.
Learning About Food
Values and Preparation
Instills Healthy Habits
We teach children basic food groups through hands-on activities with real food. They also prepare a variety of globally inspired snacks weekly to enjoy together and take pride in the work and the fresh, healthy flavors of the choices they made.
Famous Montessori Graduates
The Montessori education system sparks creativity, initiative, and self-confidence. Look at some of the famous people who have studied under the Montessori System.
Though their parents were professors, it was the Montessori education system that was the cause of their starting Google. Right from a young age, they were independent, could think for themselves, and were self-confident.
Though their parents were professors, it was the Montessori education system that was the cause of their starting Google. Right from a young age, they were independent, could think for themselves, and were self-confident.
She brought French cookery to the US as the country’s first female TV host. She was a top-secret researcher for the CIA during World War II. She was successful, resilient, and practical, all thanks to her Montessori education.
She brought French cookery to the US as the country’s first female TV host. She was a top-secret researcher for the CIA during World War II. She was successful, resilient, and practical, all thanks to her Montessori education.
Wikipedia has made redundant something we took for granted – the Encyclopedia. Jimmy’s single-handed focus to make Wikipedia a success can be credited to the Montessori education system.
Wikipedia has made redundant something we took for granted – the Encyclopedia. Jimmy’s single-handed focus to make Wikipedia a success can be credited to the Montessori education system.
As wife of President Kennedy, she had to deal with leaders from across the world. Jacqueline credits her success and extraordinary charm to her early days in Montessori School.
As wife of President Kennedy, she had to deal with leaders from across the world. Jacqueline credits her success and extraordinary charm to her early days in Montessori School.
We have all played Sim City, but do you know who created it? Will Wright directly credits some of the game’s nuances to what he learned under the Montessori Education System.
We have all played Sim City, but do you know who created it? Will Wright directly credits some of the game’s nuances to what he learned under the Montessori Education System.